Bon Voyage

i went to airport n farewell with joanne yesterday night
she went off to australia, canberra
10 hours flight!! oh pls, i want melbourne

she was tough enough
much tougher than usual
she din cry even everyone hugged her
til the moment she hugged her mummy
i felt it
she was going to cry
n finally she wiped her tears n acted nothing
said, k la, i gola, miss me ya..bye....

her mum n her sis cried on the spot
the scene was so......touching

though she was going to australia for only 1 year
we miss her
yea, started missing her since yesterday

next year, it'll be my turn..
i know, i 'll cry terribly
cuz i have 3 women whom i cant resist their hugsss!


i'll go for only 3 years
actualyl i'm looking forward to go aus

i felt touched when you told me that u bushede me

who? u la, u should know who u are..=P

dun cry when i leave,
i'm not going to die la wei

just go to further my studies overseas
n perhaps get married overseas =P

champion is getting married soon
it gave me a food for thought
my wishes for them

BONHEUR means HANGFOOK in french
n my destination always hehe

i'm in big trouble now

dun even1 2 mention about it!
just dun date me this weekend
i dun12 go out with this look =<

n painful.....

1 comment:

Xiu Hui said...

cry hard hard la.. i also cry everytime in the airport..4 times ady..haha..