Day after Day

i'm in polka dot..with my renu potato =)

time is flying
i'm enjoying
n longing..

looking forward for different things every week
tmr is thursday, exam day :D
friday is the DAY!
n i will meet my MR Steamboat tat night hohoho!!

n saturday,
fro the one who wil be going to PD
take good care n drive safe

Saw a meaningful post, by Mr Thomas:
Money can buy a house but not home .
So pls go home whenever u can do it. Dont spend too much time outside, u'll be regret for it.

Money can buy food but not appetite .
Sometimes i feel like eating but i coulnt eat..
sometimes there are food for me but i dont want to eat.
so eat when u r able to.
Do not wait til all your teeth have gone!

Money can buy a bed but not sleep .
Even if we lie in the bed for hours, we couldnt sleep.
How many ppl can sleep with no worries?
Try to pamper yourself
In day time, we r vexed and busy enough
Sleep tight to pamper yourself =)

Money can buy a book but not knowledge .
Even if u buy, it doesnt mean u will read haha

Money can buy a clock but not time .
time flies n pls seize it.

Money can buy medicine but not health .
medicine no cure sometimes, take good care of yourself!

Money can buy position but not respect .
Respect others b4 u expect otehrs to respect u.

Money can buy blood but not life .
Blood donation, support!

Money can buy sex but not love .
U can never buy love, it is too valuable til it is invaluable.

Money can buy insurance but not safety .
Drive safe everyone. Fasten your seat belt Mr APS.

Thanks thomas! :D

I wanted to go swimming on Monday
sadly that day was 714
i scared someone would pull my legs if i swim

shh! stop it!

Yesterday finally went swimming with potato
thanks for accompanying me!
we're more FIT now haha!!!!!!!!!!!!! 38 nya

n today wil go swimming with water lily
yea yea

though acc test wil be held tmr
but i'm hoping it to come faster! PLS!
cuz tmr my frens wil come over my house :D

i remembered only few persons stayed overnight at my home b4
the longest one would be Yeong Tau Fu
she slept for the whole SPM period

the 2nd one would be Lim Chong Ching
we used to hang out so so so often that month! =D

n lastly franciska kim!

next week is merdeka week
baju kurung or punjabi again???

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