
My day is ruined!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dunno what the excact reasons are..
but i'm feeling vy bad!
really vy vy bad

My weekend was vy fine and happy
with the bakery thingy
with the fine dining
with my cousins
with my preparation for presentation
with the chit chatting with san san mui
with the movie
with the lunch with fran
with the outing with mummy
with the family dinner

everything went smooth and happily
but i dunno why i was so moody
throughout the whole day!

when i was back to casa
summore my eyes turned red n itchy
i felt really bad n i do feel so now!!

i couldnt sleep well
dunno why
no nightmares
no disturbance
i just couldnt sleep soundly as what i did

n my hand
since last year december til now
it havent cure!!
i feel so self-conscious cuz of it

i woke up early in the morning and practised on my presentation
but i dunno why
my mind went blank when i was presenting!!
no pointer and thus i over depended on the computer
what were you doing, LIEW CHOI YING?!!

de stupid one!!!!
i cancelled it d..
potato, i know you must be saying i'm crazy but i really dislike the feeling of waiting...

i dunno what's so WRONG with me!!
friday is coming n i'm really vexed about it
too nervous?
too worry?
i dunno


OK, finished my complaints...

now let's move on to the happy ones =) hehe

i did it all by myself
when i put the eggs into the wok
i blurred??
should i put the egg yolk together with it??
the mixture looks so..................weird haha
anyway, the taste was ok

the food was marvellous!
from appetizers to desserts
wow, de ice cream was a great one!
i love it =D

ya ya we're de same
but we can still be the winners =)
let's gambathe together! hehe

i watched the movie of..i dunno what de name is
de main characters were ren xian qi n da S
vy vy funny!
a great comedy hohoho!

din see her for quite some time =<
n she is going for her driving test later!
good luck my dear! u can do it!! go go go!
it's your turn to fetch me! haha

wee wee wee
the happiest outing
with mummy n bro
to tesco
we bought lots of thingssss wakaka

vy delicious
n stuffy!!!
n fatty!!!!

oh no..

I wanna go swimming later.

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