Have Fun ya

dun wanna lock myself home n face books all the time
though trial is coming
i'm not prepared for it
cuz i have lot things to do
n there r presentationsss and testssss b4 trial too
what a busy life
But i'm happy that my life is kept busy =>

i couldnt sleep well
n i had nightmaresss

my punjabi photos r uploaded haha
thanks my potato came purposely to pass us the photos
sayang u la **love**

we baked KEK BATIK yesterday
it was so exciting
8ppl gathered in the kitchen
n suddenly
warden came to our unit!!
(we're not allowed to cook)
Oh No! we moved into albee's room n continue cooking haha
it was s great success!! haha
i'm gonna bake again this friday =D

creative writing test wil start tmr
yer...hate it la
but i'll do my best to score a 3 =)
at least a 3
i promise myself! hehe

there wil be a primary school gathering on thursday! yeah
miss them lottttttt!
i met mint lii in jusco last weekend haha
sadly, xiuhui wont be joining us this time.. T___T
jiahao n lim min wil leave for china beijing soon
they r great
indeed 6S's production wakakakkaka!!
they get full scholarship from beijing uni eh

i'll go for the 4 course this friday wow wow
cant wait to eat!

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