Oh Hui Hui

Huihui's birthday
We went to Neway SJ

i think i had mentioned about this Neway in my post right? hmm
de renovation there was unique! hehe

We all wore checked today
the dresscode of the day
n the birthday girl
wore her ever 1st dress XD
let's see our pic =)

love them much much..
=me, wanyu, shangqi(my roommate), huihui(bday girl) n albee=

i looked so tall in this pic haha
but in fact i'm the tallest =D
this is the picture of the day! we love it hehe
hand hold hand, never end =)
Albee n qi's creation
they can be lyrics creator d la haha
they altered the lyrics of OH CAROL to OH HUI HUI
it was awesome! haha

we sang in the k box
i think they'll upload the video soon

the handwriting is surprisingly neat right?
my roommate's one
even her ugliest handwriting also vy neat

Hui hui, Happy Birthday!
May all your dreams come true
n we love you!


1 comment:

子非鱼 said...

Okay~It was super duper surprising!!And I can't deny that my dresscode is almost the same as our BD girl...lol..how i wish it wont, so that our BD girl can stand to be the special one.but still..she is the SPECIAL one..hahaha...one phrase that I like the most in the lyric is "Cute Shy and Quiet..YOU ARE SO SPECIAL"..first time seeing her wearing a nice orange colour checker dress..NICE!!!! Well..i wish our BD girl a very HAppy Birthday..hehehe..gonna declare..my checker is red...