totally in love with him

I'm totally in love with him

cant miss any moment to see him
even if i want to go to toilet, i muz see him til i'm satisfied
even if i want to eat, i also muz bring my meal into de room

how can he be so heroic?
i feel he is
so cute
so handsome
so smart
so gorgeous
so observant

though he is
not caring enough
not loving enough

but he is so man

if i can have a long holiday,
i will see him every day n night!

but i cant accept the fact that my lover is there with me everday but i dun even know he is there =(
the story is so pathetic

ses, never do tat do me o hehe



Anonymous said...

hope he do that to u lor. MS

子非鱼 said...

lol...the animated series is indeed very worth watching. Cool and great! But Ran Mouri is quite pity lo~cuz she didnt even know that conan = shinichi.

Chloe CY said...

-.- y u so abd de ms

Chloe CY said...

hehe but i think it is still vy sweet n romantic! niceee**

Anonymous said...

me so bad oh.... = =" Ms