We went to Connaught Pasar malam on wednesday..
Wow..there can be cheaper than kepong baru night market! ?
Too over d..haha.
but we benefit from tat =D XD
Lil chit chat with them during class , during break , when we're in bus, when we're walking back to our hostels..even when we meet at night..
Sweet n joyous =)
thanks for brightening my college n hostel life! hehe
Later going to sing k le..long time no sing!! ^O^
A nightmare will come true
Except for tears, there r only tears
Everyone was in tears
54 weeks to go, let's countdown together my dear friends =)
If u see me twice a week, u can still see me for 108 times ++
If u see me once a week, u can still see me for 54 times ++
If u see me once a month, u can still see me for 13 times++
( ++ cuz i'll have a long holidays after november)
If u see me by fate once in a while, u can miss me for 3 years..
Dunno what would happen within these 54 weeks..
But i'll appreciate the chance meeting you..
do you? =)
Watched LEGION on friday..
awesome!! nice nice! hehe
really worth watching, let's check it out BY YOURSELF haha
i went to get a pair of new spec yesterday
mayb i was bit too impulsive, cuz it is kinda expensive =(
but i wont regret! hehe
shud sayang myself instead of waiting for others' right!
cant wait for friday..
I've came to realise
not everything wil go the way i want
Sometimes, even my expectations are not that high
but it cant meet mine finally too
I've came to realise that
even i myself also cannot control my actions , what's more our thoughts?
If i were afraid, i'll feel like want to reject always
If i were confused, i'll feel like crying though i dun12
I've came to realise that
Sometimes too many choices aren't good at all
I like to be limited sometimes
I dun like to make choices
I hate it
I've came to realise that
Jealousy is something can happen anytime anywhere, towards anyone anything
I've came to realise that
things that i loved last time, i can hate them now
I've came to realise that
time and distance are the best examiner for a relationship
to prove my strongness
to prove my weakness too
I've came to realise that
happiness isn't always there for me
if i want myself to be unhappy
I've came to realise that
many people concern bout me
but i didn't know at all
I've came to realise that
i love blogging ♥
iTrust You
Wondering what is that?
it is a new application for iphone or iPod touch
-to trace what your friends ( usually bf/gf who can use your iphone/ipod when u r not around) have done on your stuff..
-to keep something from them which u dun1 them to know
the application is called iTrust
but it has its own fatal flaw
is that if u press to homescreen after u using this application,
the following person can erase what is traced there
so that u cant trace it! XD
But is this action appropriate?
Once u use this iTrust, u r telling your partner that ' i don't trust u at all'
I agree with this stand, as i oppose keeping things from your intimate friends, whats more your lovers?!
CY in 10 years
Undoubtedly, i started writing as i knew what i want.. =D
In the coming 10 years, i'll study in Australia for 3 years to complete my degree level. After that, i will work for government as they have sponsored me for my entire tertiary studies. I might get a life partner who can get along really well with me and i'll end up being a happy housewife.
What i mean by ' a life partner who can get along really well with me', i wonder?
someone who can really understand me, know what i want and give me what i really want
someone who can travel with me to wherever i want to go
someone who can eat things that i like with me
someone who can really listen to my problems
someone who can share my joy and sorrow
someone who can cheer me up and never bring me down
someone who can let me know that he'll always be there for me, let me feel secured
someone who can really trust me and whom i 100% trust in
someone who is loyal and love me
I don't think it's hard to find , i suppose?
U can see how i go in 10 years time !
I hope i'll be a hang fook xiu nai nai....this is what i always wish to ^O^
let's c.. hehe
=( n =)
i slept for so long, shud be sufficient rest right?
NO.. i was so so tired throughout the day =(
i advised my fren n finally he knew what to do, i suppose? =(
feeling so sad for him
LOVE is troublesome, sometimes
accounting quiz is postponed
shud be happy, but y not..
i wonder why too..
got no appetite today dunno y
got no mood to study as well =(
sevinni sms me at the right time but my hp was running out of credit =(
i miss you too sevinni
'' really cant find a fren to talk to like you..''
i love this phrase, showing i'm appreciated =)
i went the curve tat day n bought 2 dress n 1 belt
went night market with mummy..
bought ALOT..really LOT!
someone broke up today
dunno since when, ' breaking up' became a tiny thing for me
it doesnt feeling good when u've came to realise that u take ' breaking up' too easy..
whole day i listened to jian dan ai by Jay Chou
i gotta feeling of love when listening to this song =)
someone said i'm sweet for the first time today
appreciated =)
i hate exam, really =(
i enjoy studying but not examsss...
with Assignments and Tests.....
cannot bear it la..
week 2 starts to have test..
accounting, theory summore!! =(
english assignments for the investigative studies..
alamak.. dunno what topic to choose at all..
too broad? too common? too boring? =.=
picky teacher!
miss my holidayss... T__T
as long as YOU ♥ ME
I'm leaving my life in your hands
People say I'm crazy and that I am blind
Risking it all in a glance
How you got me blind is still a mystery
I can't get you out of my head
Don't care what is written in you history
As long as you're here with me
I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me
Who you are
Where you're from
Don't care what you did
As long as you love me
Every little thing that you have said and done
Feels like it's deep within me
Doesn't really matter if you're on the run
It seems like we're meant to be
I've tried to hide it so that no one knows
But I guess it shows
When you look in to my eyes
What you did and where you're comin from
I don't care, as long as you love me, baby.
I Don't Care
有一个姑娘 改良版
你就是那个傻瓜! 嘿!
性格有点衰衰 敢爱敢恨走四方
你就是这个傻瓜 嘿!
嘿嘿! 我爱这个傻瓜 =D
相识 分离 再相聚
在<<友谊万岁>> 的歌声与哭泣声交响中
我们踏着沉重的脚步 毕业了 离开了
当时还年少无知 不知道离别的伤悲
七年之间 巧遇过其中一些
这次的聚会 是空前的成功 30 位老友 哈哈!
有的 还是老样子 只是个子高了
有的 矮了 哈! 因为我高了哦!
有的 变美变帅了
有的 变得我完全不认得 ( 真可怜 哈哈)
小学 最令人怀念的, 就是大家都称呼你的全名
林秀蕙 刚巧从澳洲回来 来得及参与
廖润莉 一考完试就赶过来耶
陈怡盈 不再是四眼妹了 长长的辫子 也没了
张慧芝 会打扮了 好正了
王莉善 还是那样的前卫 拿gucci哦
罗惠尹 短短的秀发 换来一头长发
沈佩君 还是一样的斯文
谢明莉 完全没改变的千年老妖!
陈璇旎 那头有个性的发型 好适合她
苏慧娟 好可爱哦!! 小小只的 穿得像个娃娃
叶钰雯 好正哦!!! 长长的金发
陈欣瑜 那个林黛玉 还是那么的瘦小 那么的惹人爱
张思婷 比以前纤瘦了 会打扮了
谢佩玉 最大改变奖 非她莫属
齐齐的短发 变长了
总而言之 女大19变!!
许文祥 我不认得他咯 他变黑了 man 了 哈哈 不再光头了
邱振宇 高了 大只了
廖朝宏 和我同班六年的家伙 没以前那么不修边幅了
陈光耀 这个卖鸡蛋的 还是那么没礼貌!
林桂盛 说真的, 他完全没变吧?
莫伟健 高了 头大了 哈哈
李伟祥 高得相高脚七
蔡家雍 个个说他变帅了
林家豪 奇怪的家伙 要钻研历史 肚腩大大的
谢暑友 整个size变大了, 不再是小不点
盛佳劲 没变 拉长了而已
戴世源 读硕士了 恐怖吧? 我们不再需要抬头和他说话了!!
余文玮 以前常受我气的家伙 要读牙医了 厉害哦
梁佑伟 哈哈 我puppy love ( 说出来paiseh) 他戴眼镜了
梁崇翰 最大改变奖 非他莫属
说着大家的近况 回忆起当年的趣事 真叫人不得不感叹 岁月不饶人
天下无不散之延席 更没有永恒的离别
我相信 世上有的是永远的朋友
你们永远都是廖彩莹的朋友 =)
Semester 2
Out of 5 lecturers, 4 of them have been chged.. ><
Luckily, my fav spec math teacher remains the same hehe!
The new table arrangement makes me neck-ache =(
hate it!
i prefer sitting juz side by side with my shang qi =D
TER85..is actually ok for me
but in order to get into Melbourne Uni, i need TER 92 n above.
Hope so i can achieve it, or more than it =D
TestsSss will start next week, crazy eh!!! >O<
i planned to go shopping for new year clothes this week somemore!!
anyway, it wil still ON! XD
Dunno why,
once stepped into hostel, my eyes start turning RED.
there r chges among my gang
shangqi, cut off her super long hair, she looks fresh n young in short hair now!
Jen, successfully kept fit, she can wear her tight shorts now
Albee, summore said 12 keep her hair long, she cut it short again!
Hui hui, face became thinner, body became fatter haha
wanyu, still a pyramid queen =D
Jeanne, looks nice in her skinny jeans!
not yet meet siewking, hope to see her in vy soon time =)
Miss my holidays
one more year to go
i can leave for australia soon..really vy soon
miss me ma? haha
sem 2
No longer keeping my laziness
Must throw it away!
Let's work hard together, for my targeted Melbourne Uni!
-U're targeted by LCY-
隐瞒 vs 欺骗
不告诉你 就是企图欺骗你
让你有个假象 和事实有出入的假象
当有人隐瞒你 说是出自于善意的 又怎样?
谎言没善恶之分 只有美丑之别。
当全世界的人都相信 你 所编织的谎言
它 是美丽的 皆因它无暇
当有个人 能看穿 能戳破 你的大话
它 是丑陋的 皆因它有漏洞
若要说谎 请让它完美
若要坦白 请让它透明
人 总自以为是
人 总是矛盾的
人 总是自欺欺人的
人 总是贪得无厌的
既想说谎 又想坦白
催眠自己‘我没有说谎, 只是没说完 ’
这 就是所谓的 隐瞒
做人要做到欺骗自己, 何必呢?
坦坦然然地做自己, 不就最好吗?
何必让人在你面前, 撕下连你自己都已经遗忘的面具。。
伤了自己 也伤害了别人........
Summary of Chapter 19th
2010 01 04
with:Suzanne Mun
Location: One Utama Neway and Sushi Zanmai
2010 01 05
with: Meng Siew
Location: Sunway Tasty Pot Steamboat Buffet
- no photo provided -
2010 01 06
with: Franciska Kim
Location: Starhill Jogoya Japanese Buffet & My house
2010 01 07
with: Maluri Gang consisted of Elaine Liew, Owen Khor, Wendy Tan and Joanne Lee
Location: Times Square Neway
this is the 1st time i sang from 6pm til 12.30 am..!! for free summore haha
i can sing for free for whole january k buffet! isn't it great?
this joanne vy sot de hehe
u c my eye, one big one small
my leng lui sis..vy sweet errr!!
u c..she vy sot haha
owen simply snaping
from owen's ..for maluri gang.. sweet er!!
singing ' Just Dance'
it's hot n high n happy!!
2010 01 08
with: Poon Shun
Location: Prince Bistro, One Utama Cinema
we watched Old Dogs.. so funny!!
the tomyam..was so nice..thankyou!!
2010 01 09
with: Xiao Yan, Kar Ling
Location: Bar B Q plaza
wanted to go Chilis..but when i saw karling carrying a cake into car.. i decided to eat a cheaper but nice one >>> Bar B Q Plaza.. my fav too! hehe
Ling made me a Black forest cake.. vy nice.. 1st time i received handmade present T_T summore unexpected from ling ..touched..
Yan made me cookies too..hehe they're so so sweet!!
2010 01 10
with: Fiona Ong and Nicole Ng
Location: One Utama Bar B Q Plaza
though i knew them jzu for few weeks but we're so close! haha
haha!! so funny la they
from sweet nicole..though..i dun really can use it haha
2010 01 11
12.00 am my hp rang non stop!!!!!!!
messages came in one by one.. they were sweet n warm..
not juz a happy birthday but more than that! hehe
Sometimes, a sincere wish is the best present for me, it's true! ^^
n i got birthday huggies from KarLing, Yan, Siew Teng n Cc!!
with: Kenji SeS
Location: One Utama Haagen Daaz, Tamarind Hill
Thai style.. wow wow
this made me feeling like de beach side.. with de coconut trees ..hehe
ah?!! what happened!! haha 38 la
teh teh de..=P
a long staircase.. gonna burn all my fats!!!! ><
with: Kenji SeS, Sevinni, Kuan Long and Bee Wei
I blew candles n made a wish sharp b4 my bday ended..
so so memorable pic of Ses kena cream haha